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At any moment, you have a choice that either leads you closer to your spirit or further away from it.

Thich Nhat Hanh

Work Profile 24.HEIC

 There are times in life when we all may needextra support..
to review, restore, re-imagine!

Or perhaps you are struggling with OCD, anxiety, sleep issues or
the loss of a loved one..
As an experienced clinician I can guide you through
the stages of healing and renewal.

my style is collaborative and gentle but humor, goal setting and accountability also come into play!

As an integrative therapist, I use several modalities to
fine tune your treatment and specialize in psychodynamic 

psychotherapy, CBT, DBT, EMDR, 
mindfulness skills and
meditation practices for deep relaxation.



Betsi Iris Mufson LCSW
TideMill Landing~2425 Post Road Suite#206
Southport, CT 06890


As your therapist I will listen...
I provide a calm, comfortable space

for you to feel, explore and know you are cared for.


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Betsi Iris

Betsi received her masters in psychodynamic psychotherapy from Smith College and has post graduate training in psychoanalytic psychotherapy, CBT, DBT and is certified in EMDR. She is a licensed therapist and in private practice in Westport and Greenwich, Connecticut.


An advocate for Integrative health, Betsi is certified in Hatha Yoga and is a long time practitioner of Kriya Yoga/Self Realization Fellowship-Paramahansa Yogananda and Mahayana Buddhist meditation/Deer Park Monastery-Thich That Hanh.


An experienced psychotherapist, Betsi has worked in private, public and university settings treating clients with a wide range of diagnoses.

She specializes in Anxiety disorders, OCD, PTSD

and bereavement.


Betsi integrates Mindfulness skills/Meditation in treatment for stress, emotional regulation, sleep issues and peak performance.


below is a brief meditation with Betsi

to try at your desk:


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